Wednesday, January 26


It all started Christmas eve.

I went out with my friend Amanda and got just a little drunk. I have a Christmas tradition which consists of me and a friend going out in the snow and taking down all the pink and blue lights in town and smashing them/eating them. I used to do this with my college roomie Tracy,(you all remember good ol' trac right?) but seeing as I'm a million miles away from her now, I convinced my hicktown friend Amanda to come help me. So, we both agree that something needs to be done about the huge (by my standards) lighting display downtown in Rycroft. I took a picture. oh yeah. its dark and my cam sucks so fucking sue me.

So we get to work. After about ten bulbs and three more beers we decide that its way to much fucking work and just UNPLUG the whole fucking thing. I took a picture.

ya see that light in the distance? Turns out that's some old guy that works for the town out walking his dog. He sees what we did, and starts yelling at us and chasing us. (as fast as he could)

At this point I should mention Amanda's fear of anything with four legs and the ability to bark.

She sees this fucking mutt and freaks out and runs off screaming, until she slips on a patch of ice and falls on her ass.

I'm like 30 feet behind her just standing there laughing, not comprehending the fact that this guy can get me put in jail. Amanda's fucking yelling at me and trying not to laugh too, because she damn well knows it's funny. So I catch up and we hide in this little old train station that's still standing. High school kids go here to get stoned. Well, ok maybe drunken ex-college students use it too.

Anyways, it's snowing, two girls are hiding in a small ass shack that's about to cave in any second, drunk out of their mind. Ask yourself, what would I do if I was in that situation?

If you answered go back and turn the Joseph and Mary statues into something out of a porno, you think just like me.

after that little diddy, I'm tired and drunk, and want to go to bed. But first I wanted to tell you guys about my little adventure. I go home stumble to my desk, fall into my chair, and turn on my old computer. I then try to plug in my USB cable. Unsuccessfully.
So I turn it around and shove as hard as I can, and then I hear this "dit dit dit dit dit" noise, so I reboot, and it wont do anything, not even go the DOS shell.

So let's do a recap, I've went through 2 keyboards, 3 towers, and 2 monitors within 8 months.


so that's where I've been. Getting drunk and breaking stuff.
Don't you miss me more now?

It's my new radioactive mouse! HURRAY FOR DEFORMITY!