Thursday, September 9


ok. Lots to say. Not enough energy to type it out.

First off:
Where's my internet? There's no more Ojobojo, no more circleofaddiction fourms, and no more __________(some site I liked but forgot about)!111! ANDDDD! To top it all off, all the email I got from before is lost, and no, I NEVER GOT TO READ IT! Now if you want to be really nice and email me right fucking away, please do at this address right here.
hurry! i need to know you still love me.

Does anyone know where I can download kazaa-lite? Just for the hell of it, not to illegally burn copyrighted songs. I SWEAR!

Ya know what pisses me off? Being sick and not being able to smoke.
and those goddammed chocolate things, the ones that look like chocolate covered pringles. Who the hell wants to eat chocolate chips? errr, chocolate POTATO-LIKE chips?

I gotta go watch homestar.

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