Thursday, March 25

Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 20:18:59 -0600
From: Bing
To: jenn
Subject: Holy shit
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Ok, right up front, I'll admit it. I'm drunk. So if the rest of this e-mail sounds stupid and incoherent, please forgive me.( at least I'm not driving). I just tried to pull up your web page and it wouldn't come up the first couple of tries and I thought it was gone forever. I know, to you it must sound silly, but, I felt for a moment like a friend of mine just died. I thought I would never hear from you again and I felt an awful pain. It is not often I find a kindred spirit ( cynical, bitter, intelligent, as opposed to fat, dumb and happy ). You are the coolest chick I have ever "met" . I know that must sound creepy coming from a 37 year old but I'm not hitting on you any way and like minds transcend age ( that sounds asinine yeah I know ). Anyway I just wanted to let you know that your page makes a difference in a few peoples small insignificant lives and to keep it up. It doesn't matter if you don't have anything to say. We don't care. Just say anything. I once read about writers block and the best advice I ever got was that you write for quantity and not for quality. If you can't think of anything to write just write shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit blah blahb lahbl blhab blah. Not literally of course, just write anything that comes to mind. The key is to write, write, write, then when you're done, edit for content. You may find that you've written 15 pages of pure shit, but if you can pull out one page of brilliance (sp? ) then you've beaten writers block forever. Good luck Jenn. I know you will make an excellent writer one day.


You guys, hold me.

I got that sweetass email from Bing today. I'm blown away. See, if I got more emails like that I would never stop updating. Just when I was beginning to think that no one cared whether or not I ever posted something here again, I got this.

Thank you, Bingus for reaffirming my position on the internet and giving me incentive to get back to work. When you get an email like that, you know you've made it.
No matter how many people see this. No matter how many hits this page gets.

I'm happy right where I am.

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