Tuesday, March 2

Canadian Currency:

First we have the bills:

100: Yellowy-brown kinda color. Sought after by many, taken by me.
I really like this bill because it's worth the most. DUH.

50: It's a faded red color, and seeing as red is my favorite color, it gets 6 thumbs up from me. And its worth more than pennies so it rules.

20: It's green. It reminds me of home.
In other words, it sucks. I'm burning 30 of them right now. GrEEn DAy RleuZ!!!11!

10: It's some purply-blue color.
It's gay.

5: Are blue.
Blue=sad=depressing=fuck off I don't want to hear about Canada's economical problems.

Then there are the coins:

TOONIES: What the hell does TWONEE mean? What is the correct spelling? Why do you un-yankees insist on turning every damn bill into a circular metal form?
I wonder if Canadians are aware that foreigners like to keep their pants on in public. Mine fell down 9 times after I crossed the border. Extra weight in pockets=BAD BAD BAD. Anyway, it's worth the LOONIE X 2.

LOONIE: Is named after my mother. HI MOM.

QUARTER: Quit stealing America's name for their change, damn you!

DIME: See above

Nickelback: Is Gay.

got a PENNY? I ate mine by mistake.

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