Sunday, March 7

Spring Break sucks:

Everyone goes away for spring break. They go have fun, get drunk, strip, and sleep with lots of different people.

They all leave widdle me behind.

When I was a kid I used to get all excited for spring break. That was becase I used to stay home from school with my family and friends and do nothing but ride my bicycle around town. Good times, that was.

BUT NOW, I have no school to be on a break from, and all my friends leave me to ride my bicycle around town by myself. How cruel.

I guess I'm just bitter because I have to work at 5pm and then 2am and then 2pm again. It's going to be great fun. GREAT. FUN.
I wish I lived on the moon or something. HOW COOL WOULD THAT BE 'YO?

So yeah, spring break sucks. Stay home and be cool like me. Maybe I'll entertain you.

Probably not.

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