Saturday, October 9

Taking a cat top the vet

ignore me im drubnk

taking a cat to the vet sucks
'today i had to take a friends cat tothe vet in fartiview and it sucksed
I got there and it turns out the cat is dying and its got kindny problems... but then domet we all?

I went drinmking at wacys party tonight I saw a bunch of sluts . it qwias cool though because i played dj and i was rockiong the house
t yoing is really hard.

i got cat hair all over my shit at the vet and he kept staring at my booies
it was crreeepy cuz he was okld.

i drank like 11 beers and did body shots with somje hot guy... i know skank.
anyways i thought id better update with soemthing cux moones heard from me in days
i gotta go watch carrie.

( total time for update= 00.35 seconds. may am i quoick on the draW


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