Sunday, February 1

My review of the Superbowl Half-time show:

WOW. What a great way to blow some air time. Janet Jackson, P. Diddy, Nelly, Kid Rock, and Justin Timberlake all in half an hour. They couldn't have thrown more random celebrities in there if they tried. /end sarcasm

Rappers: P.Diddy, Nelly- worthless.
OOOO! Nelly can drive, and hire chicks to perform in cheerleading outfits while ripping a classic song off. Too bad "ohh Nelly, is not fine... His stupidity blows my mind"
P. Diddy, 'Nuff said.

Pop star old lady: Janet Jackson.
Jesus christ. I'm surprised she didn't trip over that damn cape that she decided to wrap around her waist. And she's a great lip-syncer. Nice leather outfit too. It held her together very well.

General Loser: Kid rock.
He performed an old song, wore some shitty coat over the flag he massacred to cover his standard white "muscle shirt."
And, what the hell was he doing there? Actually what the hell were any of them doing there? Other than Justin, no one had an even close to successful year. What happened to the days when we had good ol' Brittany and NSYNC doing their mega popular gay dances and entertaining the 13 year olds/horny men (or gay men) that watch the superbowl? I miss that.

Justin Timberlake: You know that the entertainment at an event is going downhill fast when the only person that I think most people will be raving about is Mr. Timmy. His almost 10 second stage appearance just about made up for the rest of the crap that went on. Hell, if it can make me forget about Kid Rock's nappy hair, it's incredible in my book.

Man there was alot of ass grabbin' in this game. I should play more football...
8:20 left in the 4th, right now the score is 21-16 for the Patriots. YAAAAY! I'm the queen of touchdown dances. What do you guys think? MVP- Tom Brady? I bet you five bucks I'm right or wrong.

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