Thursday, February 12

Post Action!... I swear:

Yadda yadda yadda, I haven't posted in forever. Like anyone cares. So... sorry everyone.
NOT. Seriously, I can't make you fufilled every damn day, it's just too much work.

I've been thinking a lot about the current government and all the things I would change if I was elected President.
Things I would do from the oval office in the White House:

Make pizza free to all those that know the secret word. (jkhdloies) Say it right or no pizza.

Change the normal conception of time in America so it would be something like if you say it's 5 pm, then it is 5 pm. No matter what time your mom/boss/dog/alarm clock says it is. Like if you have to work at 5pm, you can go in whenever you think its five PM.....
or just not go in at all because 5 pm is gay and you wrote it of your day so it doesn't exist.

Make comedians update all blog sites that are not naturally funny,

Change the way the country is divided up so we just have one big state called "we'restupid" or something, that way we could just make one set of laws and all that bullshit apply to the whole damn country.

Make a new flag that somewhere says "loocsinnej." Don't get it?
You're dumb.

Print out enough money to make every single person in America rich. Well ok. Take all the money ever earned back, split it up equally among the people that live here and then stop making money. The government would be able to print as much currency as needed to keep the country afloat without making citizens pay taxes. Therefore, the money that the people have can be spent on whatever they want, and they can earn it back however they want. If you have something that people want to buy with their money;) then you'll be rich.

No killing other people. Well you can still do it, but the family is allowed to go vigilante and hunt and kill the perpetrator.
Or they can choose to keep you for a housewife or something.

Hairspray is outlawed. Anyone caught using it will be shot.... In the eye with the remaining contents of the product. Hairspray sucks. It's sticky, it smells like DEET, and it doesn't taste good.
If your hair was meant to stick out 10 inches from your head, or not move at all, it would do it by itself.
I'm sure there's others... but ya know, first things first. I think these are defiantly the most important.


Kiss me I'm stupid! My god! My shirts are so going to say that. DUDE. COPYRIGHTED.

lata foo's... I'm so god damn ghetto.

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