Monday, January 12

Companies should send me good spam. You'd think that they would catch on to the fact that if I really wanted to increase the size of my penis, I would reply to them.

More people should go to :ban this. They have sent me more hits than google in the past day or two, and I feel kinda guilty that I've only sent them like three. It's a super cool site, trust me. If it wasn't it would not make it on my link list under the heading: Cooler Sites.

Someone should email me a puppy. A really cute puppy. To email me a puppy: click here.

Chicken should never, ever, ever, come from a can.

People should stop leaving dumbass comments in my shoutbox. If you have something stupid to say please send me an email. I really don't care if I've been baseballed? by some ugly dude. If you don't like the site, don't stay. I don't hold anyone hostage here. Yet. Seriously though, I don't care. If I couldn't handle it, I wouldn't have comments/a shoutbox. If you think any of the stuff you say matters to me. You're stupid.

Someone should help me pay for a lobotomy for my dear, stupid friend Tracy. The world I would be much better off.

Classes should start no earlier than 4:00pm everyday. I fucking hate getting up at 9:30am. I want to kill people. It's not safe to be around me when I don't sleep enough.

I should get a life. I have nothing cool to talk about so I'm just saying random shit. This is pretty much a normal everyday conversation for me. I don't care what you did. Just listen to me talk about nothing. That's it. And don't fucking interrurpt me with your sob story that you're going to be late for class. OH DAMN. I'm way more important.

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