Sunday, January 25


Title=me banging my head on my keyboard repeatedly.
I hate teenagers:
Shutup, I know that 19 is still a __teen number. I'm talking about all those freaks that sit alone on your buddy list under the header: People that I feel bad for: The ones with screen names like: ImAseSyBitCe or HaUtDAwG. The ones that make you sick. The ones that are just so stupid you want to kill them, only to put yourself and their parents out of their misery:

Idiot*:hey ya wanna hear sumthin funny?
Idiot:ok my bro caught sum ring worms from sumwhere and he had them but he didnt tell any one bcause he said he liked scratching bcause it felt like he was getting some
ME:that is the nastiest thing i have ever heard
Idiot: i thught it was funny kinda
ME: youre gay

here: hey how du u go 2 sumthing to type out stuff
Skehis: go to what?
here: like to type out something like home work or sumthing
Skehis: go to microsoft word
here: ok
here: dont c it
here: where du i look
Skehis: is it in "programs?"
Skehis: did you find it?
here: no i dont c it
Skehis: did you find programs?
here: wat u mean
here: yup
Skehis: ok
Skehis: click that
here: k
Skehis: go to programs and find microsoft word
here: k i'll try
here: dont c it
Skehis: are there any shortcuts on your desktop?
here: lemmie c
Skehis: do you even know what im talking about?
here: i th ya
Skehis: close all your windows
Skehis: is there anything on the front of your screen
here: yup
here: i know wat ur talkin bout
Skehis: so is there anything that looks like a "w"
here: w??
Skehis: a blue w
Skehis: in a square
here: im juss screwed
Skehis: screenshot your desktop
here: wat is screen shot
Skehis: take a picture of your screen
here: wat du u mean
Skehis: you dont know what i mean?
Skehis: hang on
here: no
here: k
Skehis: take this file and tell me if you can open it
Transfer of "HEY.doc" is complete.
Skehis: can you read it?
here: yup
here: wat du i du
Skehis: go to the top of the page
Skehis: there will be a file button, click that, and select "new"
Skehis: then type away
Skehis: you owe me $9.95/minute for tech support
Skehis: paypal only
here: du i really
Skehis: yes
Skehis: im expensive
Skehis: that was hard work
Skehis: ya know explaining to dumbasses how to open microsoft word
here: i got no money
here: sorry i'll have to pay in sex
Skehis: umm no
Skehis: being a stupid 16 year old is not a turn on
here: ya u know u want it
Skehis: no i dont
here: hey can i say this and use it 4 lata
here: o and u spelt dumby wrong lol
Skehis: no i didnt
Skehis: dummy
here: thats wrong its dumby
Skehis: no its not
Skehis: im right i know
here: hey can i say this and use it 4 lata
Skehis: save
here: tha type thing
here: yup
Skehis: go to file and find "save as"
here: k
Skehis: do you even look at shit before you start asking me fucking gay questions?
Skehis: did you ever take any computer classes in school?
Skehis: goddamn, if youre the future, the world is seriously screwed...
here:hahaha ur funny
Skehis: haha, youre an idiot.
Skehis: I gotta go
Skehis: please die.
here: k by!

mmmK!11! AlL of You littLE AOL'ers NEed TO fucking StaY in ScHOOl!

On a side note:
Don't ever fucking tell me I'm wrong. Especially when I'm not. It's not wise. I will verbally kick your ass. I know how to spell dummy, fucking dummy.
*screen name omitted because I'm a loving individual.

You people should talk to me because I'm way smart.

PS: I didnt spell check this. The wear on my finger would have been too great, I mean, in order to leave this post intact I would have had to hit ignore 95215434354 times. So, if there are any spelling mistakes on my part, you need a life. Stop anaylising my posts.

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