My perfect day:
I would wake up in my three-story house, look out my window and see my ten foot tall fence. Thilo would be my neighbor. (hence the fence) I would go have a super long shower. (fence=good thing again) Cereal time. (life) Then I go shopping. It wouldn't be crowded, and if it was people would part (like Moses and the red sea) for me. I would see Nathan cruising in his "pimp mobile." He would honk, and try to run me over. (he's always telling me to eat shit and die. I talk to him almost everyday) Then I would go home and call Tracy. She would make me laugh somehow, most likely by telling me her grade on the social paper she just got back. I would call her an idiot. Then hang up.
For lunch I would have sushi at some cool outdoor diner with a hot waiter. Spuggy would roll up in his Lexus and have lunch with me. Then we'd go, and he'd let me drive. I go back home. I call everyone I don't know and tell them that there is going to be a kickass party at my house tonight. I get all excited because Justin is going to drive to my house in Cali just for the event. And he seems really cool. Ryan is also going to show up. (that's at least two very good looking guys. Yes two. Jenn=happy) I pee my pants, and then go buy massive amounts of alcohol.
I come home and call Tony, and we watch cool movies. Not porn. Yet. Brandon and his crew show up. They hang out on my deck and get high. They're cool.
Smit comes over and tells me cool stories about real college parties that I never get to go to. Cypress sucks. I laugh, because he would be so funny. The madponies would be cool and take me shoe shopping. Then I could put away the skate shoes and wear something perdy. Strongbad would send me an email because I'm so cool. And strong. And bad. Jenn=awesomeness
Then it's party time.
When all the super cool people arrive, we drink and drink and drink and drink and fight. Well not fight, that's just a song. (Irish Drinking Song-dropkick murphys)
Chad shows up with some of his friends. They seem cool. I let them in. (I know they are like 17, but I don't mind contributing to the delinquency of smart minors.)
We all drink more. I puke and end up passed out on the couch. No, I don't pass out. That's boring for me. I stay awake and eat. And draw on drunk people. And take pictures with my cam that went swimming. (It would work because it's my day bitches) I would then post those pictures on the internet to show everyone how cool I am. To keep them as mementoes of my childhood when I'm 98 years old. I can look back and say I was a party girl. And that I had friends.
When people come to the next day, they find out that they are really at Thilo's house. I got him drunk and brought the party over there. No mess for me. Jenn=smart.
I'm sure I left out cool people, actually I know I did. Sorry. There is a limit to my imagination. I can't think straight once I say RP, JUSTIN, THILO, SPUGGY, AND NATHAN, SMIT, THE MADPONIES, AND TONY in one post. And TRACY.
Mike from COA rocks my fucking socks off. Go read his birthday post, and send him an email saying that he's one "sesy bitche."
To all you people that said he didn't "do nothing for no one unless he gets something in return" kiss my ass. (*ahem* redbar) He plugged me. I'm probably not going to give him more than 2 hits. You kids these days...
Shoutout time:
"Hi Mike. You're hot."-from Jenn
And you people need to start sending me email again! RIGHT FRIGGIN NOW!
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